User Experience
Talk to an artist, shop, get an autographed photo, join your player's team & more... of course all of this LIVE
Odience has an extensive list of interactions for users to EXPLORE. Users don't just STREAM, they PARTICIPATE.
Remote Participation
Viewers connected to real-time 360° VR video can chat with friends or send messages and emote to the stream chat and to the Video Wall. Add comments & share snapped photos, video clips & even request autographs, or share their live experience through Video Share with users not connected to the event.
See 5G+ VIDEO WALLS in action
See 5G+ VIDEO WALLS in action

VIP experience with performers, athletes, influencers or celebrities via one-to-one video calls overlaid on top the 360 experience.
Message Board
Send messages to the stream chat or direct messages to friends.
Be Social
What’s the point of just watching? Odience is about participation, so go ahead and be social!
Connected viewers
While viewing the stream, connect with other viewers through video calls & chat overlaid within the 360 video stream.
Users can also snap, send/post photos and even share their live video view to non-connected users.
Users can also snap, send/post photos and even share their live video view to non-connected users.
& there's more
always more...
Immerse yourself inside a 360 concert stream. Video call and chat with other connected users. Send messages on the live message board and go live on the venue's video wall as a virtual spectator. Connect with the performers by spending time in the Front Row and if you're lucky enough you’ll receive a personalized autograph you can share with friends who are not connected to the event.
Odience for Concerts
Odience for Concerts
Live Stream Shopping transforms the product discovery experience by enabling shoppers to remotely join sessions hosted by influencers, sales agents, of even yourself, scan items through Ai and create personal product carousels within 360 live streams, generate instant “which should I buy?” polls, video call friends while in the stream, interact with shopping agents through video walls, to name a few.
Odience For Retailers
Odience For Retailers
Transport yourself to gaming tournaments where multiple players are competing, where you can feel the energy of the room through the live 360 streams while simultaneously viewing up to 8 matches on your own personal VR video wall. Interact with attendees through on location video walls, or call friends to share the experience.
Odience for eSports
Odience for eSports
The water cooler effect is a real thing, spontaneous moments of interaction are made possible by users all connected to a live stream during scheduled working sessions and simultaneously communicating through voice, video and group chat within the 360 environment, with the ability to live sketch and remote desktop between PCs.